Thursday, December 31

Pleasantly Surprised by Celine Dion...

As I was driving to work, I changed the radio station to my favorite 24 hours a day Christmas station, only to find Celine Dion. She was singing "I'm your lady" which I know well, because my room mate used to sing it about 30 times a day. I joined Celine for the final chorus, and it felt good. So, I guess the Christmas season is officially over.

Our first Christmas with Eden was so great. We were planning on celebrating as a family on Wed, but we didn't have pancake mix so we ended up going out for breakfast and remodeling the kitchen. I know that seems like a lot just because we didn't have pancake batter...more on that later.
We spent Christmas eve and Christmas with Luke's family. It was great to be with family, play games, and watch the four dogs (Sprocket, Fargo, Sophie, and Harper) play. Eden is so entertained by Harper, so I think she had fun too!
Luke left Monday to go to his grad school residency, so Eden and I have been having a girls week. We get to fly down tomorrow! We will see my dad and my family in Fairbury, hopefully some friends in Omaha, and Luke!

Saturday, November 21

Little Monster

Since I started this blog in part to remember important things that happen, and when, I feel like I need to record that Eden's second tooth came in on November 20th. It's just barely through the gums, but it is already razor sharp! Right now, Eden smiles like she is showing off her teeth-it's a big grin that makes her look a little bit like a monster.
Eden and I went to our first story time at the St. Paul central library. I think it's probably the most beautiful library I have ever been to, with the York College library coming in a close second. Its full of marble pillars and wooden bookcases and giant windows. We were a few minutes late (totally normal), but we made it in time for some great songs and group story time. I have to admit that walking around in a circle, shaking a rattle to a kids song felt a little awkward, but I'm sure it's great for Eden and she will thank me for it when she gets older. Maybe.
Anyways, there were a few other kids there, which was good, and the librarian was certain that Eden loves books. I am certain that she loves chewing on them, but I'm not the expert. I think we will go seems like a good place to meet other parents and get in some social time!
Today we are going to the FPYC camp auction, and on Wednesday we leave for Thanksgiving in Chicago!

Monday, November 16

I guess we have a blog now...

I've been thinking about starting a blog for a few reasons:

1. I REALLY wanted to send out monthly updates to family and friends after Eden was born with pictures and what she was doing. The pictures were always way too big, which is annoying. Also, I think I have sent out 2, and she is 7 months old now, so...

2. I have recently become obsessed with reading blogs, and I feel a little bit like a stalker. This way, they can read about my life too. Thats less creepy, right? I blame the new obsession on Luke reading twins blogs and us not having cable, which leaves me with nothing to do. So, after reading every possible thing I can on facebook, I drift over to some blogs and lose a good half hour of my day.

3. I'm not very good at recording Eden's milestones. I already look back at pictures of her first few days with us to remember how tiny she was. Just today, I was thinking about her first tooth and realized that I didn't write down the day it came in. What kind of a mother am I? I then realized that it came in the same day we closed on our house, but....I don't remember the date that we closed on our house. I'm sure I could figure it out with a little research, but that would mean going down two flights of stairs to the basement. Luckily I remember that I wrote a status update about the tooth and the house. Facebook saves the day again...

4. I had a dream about starting a blog a few nights ago. The other night I had a dream that the police found a body in the St. Croix and guess what happened the next day...yep, they found a body. So I guess at some point I was going to start a blog anyways, why not today?

Since it took me 45 minutes to decide on a blog name, I can't promise too much. Ok, I actually chose give it the temporary name "the hawley family" until Luke comes up with something better...he's the creative one. ( I came up with: All grown up? (think I'm Ron Burgandy?), but I was nervous that nobody would get it OR something about things to do during Minnesota winters, but I didn't want to get a bunch of tourists reading about our baby OR something clever with Eden's name, but I'm not so clever.

I guess we'll see how this goes...