Friday, November 19


About a week after bringing Judah home, Gatsby our tiny cat, went crazy. It was the middle of the night and she got under the covers on our bed and was meowing constantly. Luke put her outside because we were both sleep deprived and listening to a cat all night was not an option. The next morning she knocked a pile of blankets out of our hall linen closet. As I was cleaning it up she kept meowing at me and pawing the drawer. I pulled it open and Suprise! there was a kitten!

The kitten (we think it's a boy) is super cute and Eden LOVES it! She stops and waves and says hi about 1,000 times a day. I think they will be bff soon....


  1. What! She was pregnant? or what? That's crazy, what's his name? Are you going to keep it? If she did have a kitten, I am surprised there isn't more...congrats on baby and new kitten. Yay!!!

  2. Yep-she was pregnant with only one kitten (which i guess happens sometimes when they are young) so she never got huge! We checked for more...
    I think we are going to keep it since there is only one

  3. That is crazy!!! But will be cool to have a mother and her watch them get older together.
