Saturday, December 18

Life these days...

So my last post was the week after I went back to work, which is telling. It has taken a while to get used to working and taking care of these two. We are figuring it out, although the house isn't as clean and our trips out of the house are changing from story hour, playing at the toy store, and stopping at the coffee shop, to the less exciting walking around the mall for a few hours. The less I have to transfer 2 between car seat and stroller, the better. And its just so cold! We are figuring out some "mama during the winter in minnesota" tricks like the malls that have play areas, free day at the childrens museum, the indoor parts of como zoo, the library that has underground parking and a play area, and even the mall of America. I know, who wants to go to the mall of America. But when its 2 degrees outside and your child is still entertained by watching other children go on rides, the mall is AWESOME. Not to mention lego land has a free play area and the rainforest cafe has a crocodile! Hours of free entertainment!
Luke has been a huge help with getting up during the night with Judah. Both babies were sick for a week or so with stuffy noses and coughs which of course effected sleep, but things are getting back to normal now. Its amazing how big of a deal sleep is. Im so thankful that Eden was (and still is) such a good sleeper. She sleeps long and hard. Judah is, um, working on it. A random lady at the mall yesterday mentioned how she missed the tiny baby age. I told her I missed sleeping. She answered that all of her babies slept through the night as soon as they were born. A. that didn't make me feel any better B. Im choosing to believe that she exaggerates. Since she was a complete stranger, that totally works.
We are having so much fun and between Eden, Judah, Sprocket, Gatsby and Gretch (the new kitten), the house is FULL of life and activity! Eden is loving her new kitten and is (slowly) learning how to play with him. We are excited for Christmas and then we head down to Nebraska with Luke when he goes down for grad school. We will get to see some family down there and we will get to experience our new reality of taking a trip with two babies. Theres a reason that a portable dvd player is on Edens Christmas list....


  1. Sounds like you guys house is a blast. Two is so fun, even though its super crazy most of the time! I hope all is well and that you guys have a wonderful Christmas and hopefully we get to meet up soon=)

  2. Sounds like you have been busy but are getting it all figured out!! I hope that your winter does not last to much longer, it is so cold here I can not even imagine there. And with two little ones!! Spring will be so much easier!!
