Tuesday, July 20

Baby Belly

So far, this baby has felt HUGE compared to Eden. I think I'm as big now as I ever got with Eden. Unfortunately, photo booth doesn't put dates on pictures (or I'm just too computer illiterate to figure it out), so I don't really know how far along I was in these pictures, but I'm pretty sure this is right...

I now present, a belly comparison:

5 months pregnant with Eden

5 months with baby # 2

32 weeks with Eden

30 weeks with baby boy!

Well, that was fun...

Sunday, July 18

Faulty box of "pop"corn...

These are the two bags of popcorn I made for dinner last night. Both cooked for 4 minutes, with very different results. We thought for a while that our microwave just wasn't compatible with popcorn making, but I'm thinking its the popcorn. I think I should demand a refund.
In other news, Luke is gone to Nebraska for his residency. He goes down for 10 days in the summer and winter. So far we have been able to join him for a few days every time he goes down (having family down there is a good excuse to visit him!) but I don't think we will make it down this time. We have been talking to him on iChat a few times a day, and Eden now taps on the computer and says "dadum?". She also calls for him every time we come home...I think she misses him! We have been trying to have fun girl time and stay busy so that we don't miss him too much. Its day 3 and we're still around so I hope we make it.
Later this week we will have 5 pets in the house. I think Eden will love it, so we will take a lot of pictures. If anybody wants to come visit our free petting zoo, you're invited!

Wednesday, July 7

Walk this way...

I never really walked, or should I say waddled when I was pregnant with Eden. She hung out pretty close to my rib cage (probably because my abs were so tight...). This baby is really cramping my style. He likes to take up a lot of room, kick and roll all day and night, and make me look and feel WAY more pregnant than I am! I feel like he should be huge, but everyone assures me that he is just as big as he should be! So far, everything has been going well and besides a few rough kicks, this pregnancy has been awesome.

In Eden news, she is doing great! She is more fun every day and it worries me that the next one will make us pay! She is 14 months old now and is turning into such a little girl! She says mama, dadum, up, down, please, and imitates monkey noises, all done, and a few other random words. She also LOVES to dance, as long as the song has a good beat! She likes to sneak up on people, "wake up" Luke, play peek-a-boo, sing songs, and be outside. Her all time favorite thing to do is carry around clothes. She carries them with purpose too, like she is helping with laundry or something. She just started to go to her room when we tell her its bedtime or nap time. She hands over her sippy cup when we ask and is so sweet about laying down!
She had her first sleep over with Nana and Papa this last weekend while Luke and I went to Duluth to celebrate our anniversary over the fourth. I know it was harder for me than it was for her! She will miss her Nana and Papa so much while they are gone, and I may have to get better at adding pictures to the blog for them! We are going to Milwaukee this weekend to visit Eden's great grandparents and catch a Brewers game...Ill try to put up some pictures when we get back!