Monday, November 21


I work full time. I have been working full time since April and there are not enough hours in a week, let alone a day. I always thought I would be a stay-at-home-mom, or at least a part time stay-at-home-mom. And I loved it when I was part time. It was just enough time away to love my time at home, and just enough time at home to get everything done and have left over time for all the fun stuff (spending hours on walks, playing at the library, story time...).
We are hoping that Luke will find a full time teaching job soon (if anyone knows of one-let me know! He's really good!) I'm working full time right now so we can get stuff payed off (thanks York College) knowing that we might be moving to a small town when Luke finds a job. I most likely won't be able to find the same job, or one worth  paying for day care for two small kids, so we want to get a ton of stuff paid off now so we can live on one income soon.
I actually really love my job...most days! Sometimes I even think of going back to grad school. I work with incredible teams and families, my job is pretty flexible, and we have it worked out so the kids only go to another house 2 days a week (although I'm sure they would love to go more!). And Luke is fantastic at taking care of things at home while he's around so I don't have to do much when I get home from work. I get to be home with them most of Tuesday. I also get to see their fantastic smiles when I walk in the door after a long day at work. It's pretty great. But by the weekend I am totally exhausted and I mostly want to sit at home in sweats and cuddle with the babies. If only they were more into sitting on the couch all day cuddling.
So what about you guys. Do you stay at home moms find enough time in the day? Do you ever wish you had time away? Or do you work full time and love it? I know there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and I 'll get to spend all my time at home with these babies soon. And I know that getting things paid off and being responsible is great, even if some days I'd rather not be responsible...

Monday, November 7


This year was our first year trick-or-treating. Last year Judah was too tiny, I was too tired, and Eden didn't know what was going on, so we didn't go. I never went trick-or-treating growing up so it was fun to live vicariously through Eden! She was our little cowgirl, but we ended up adding a puffy vest to the outfit because it was getting cold. Judah was a kangaroo (passed down from Harper). 

They both ended up getting in on the action! Harper was a great cousin and stayed with Eden for the first few houses, but I think Eden was a little too slow so Vicki and Dale helped out.  The concept of trick-or-treating took a while for Eden. She practiced saying trick or treat in the car in a sweet little whisper. Once she was actually at the houses, she would ask to go inside after she got her candy "we go inside now?". Judah had fun watching for a little while, but for the last few houses, he wanted to get some candy too! He tried to follow the whole group of kids up a steep driveway but only made it a few steps! Next year buddy...

 On the way home, Judah is walking and Eden was too tired to walk! 

Ok, this isn't a great picture, but I just loved the tail on the costume!  

 Um, the best smile I could get....