Eden likes routines. I wish we had been better about a nap routine with her early on, but she has an awesome internal clock. By 8 weeks she was getting up at 4:30 every night, on the dot. Never more, never less. She still does best when her naptime and bedtime are the same every day, and before we had to wake her up to take her to day care, she would sleep until 7:30 every morning. She remembers her bedtime routine and just can't sleep if you mess it up! I made the accident of reading some extra books before bed one night. And I love that she loves books, but we now have to read 5 every night. Ok, we hid one that we both don't like so now its only 4.
Judah doesn't seem to be big on routines or schedules. I know he's only 2 1/2 months old so this can change. He gets up anywhere between 1 and 4 to eat at night and then he sleeps for 2-5 more hours before eating again. He does seem to be an early riser. Any time after 5:30 he is ready to play!
Judah is so very social. Today he was cooing and smiling at a stuffed octopus. Cutie. Its so easy to make him laugh and he loves to smile and coo and even seems to be imitating sounds. We had to work to get Eden to smile at this age. She didn't laugh out loud until she was much older, and she still doesn't really perform for people, especially when she is in her own world. I think Judah is already giggling and will smile and engage with us whenever we talk to him. Its so fun!
I can't wait to see how they both change and develop as they get older. We are so thankful for their sweet personalities and how much they add to our family.