Sunday, June 13

Weekend in Duluth

We went to Duluth this weekend for Luke's cousin's graduation party. Luke had a show on Friday night, which went well but was a little late for my pregnant self. On Saturday, we tried to help set up, but I'm not sure how much help a one year old running around was. We spent some time in Duluth during the afternoon having lunch and walking around by the lake.

Luke did an open mic during the graduation and then we came home afterwards. Eden had a lot of fun with all of the other kids that came to the party and she did not want to go to sleep and miss out on all of the fun! Its fun to watch her be so social...she would walk around smiling at people and showing them her cute!


  1. She is such a doll! I hope all is well with you guys? Its been too long! Say hi to Luke and take care of that little cutie and one on the way!=)
