Wednesday, May 26

We're having a....

It's definitely, for sure, a boy. Ok, I realize that there is a chance that it will still be a girl. This happens. But we got to see the baby from a few angles, and its looking promising. Everything else on the baby looked good, which is the best news! He was measuring right at 21.8 weeks, so our due date hasn't changed yet. We got too see him moving his mouth (Luke thought it was a yawn, but the ultrasound technician was pretty sure he was saying "Hi mama") and he was already practicing how to use his lungs! Ill put some ultrasound pictures up after we get them scanned...we have a good one of his foot and his profile.

So now the fun begins...picking a name! We have a list of 10 names right now. We took off two last night, but I added another name today. Eden took a few names off this afternoon. We said them out loud and there were a few that she shook her head "no" to. Of course, she was running a slight fever at the time (which is probably why she said no to one of my favorites) so we might have to try again later...


  1. too funny! Good luck with the name game. . .boys names were harder for us, than girls. Go figure we are going to have 2 boys.

  2. Okay, well Kyle and I read your last post about the names and I had written a post and for some reason it didn't go through. Kyle thought Kirby after some baseball player and I like Brooks and so does Kyle, he says after Brooks Robinson. We like the Brooke names, but won't be naming a boy that after having a girl named Brookelyn. Congrats again!

  3. SARAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I totally thought that you guys were having a girl! But, I am so so so so so so sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited that you are having a boy! YAY! OH MY GOODNESS! I am so excited for you! :)

    p.s. I had no idea that you had a blog! I love it!

  4. Oh, I like Kirby and Brooks...and Luke would love to have a baseball name! I was thinking Mauer...
    Kara-I will need even more advice about having a boy after a girl now!

  5. So exciting!!!! I am sure having Eden is so much fun, but you will love having a boy!!! I love that you have had big sister help with the name selection!!

  6. Wow! I had no idea you were pregnant! CONGRATS!! Life with two is going to be crazy, yet fun. And yeah for a boy! Boys are great. However, I have no idea what a girl is like. Hopefully, one day though. Tell Luke congrats from Tom and I too.
