Sunday, September 5

Ric's Wedding

(This was the best picture we got...)

Last weekend we got to be a part of something we thought we may never see. Ric McBath get married. It was a short and sweet wedding and we were lucky that there was a crib in the church. Eden sat through about 3 minutes of the ceremony and then took a nap in the nursery.

We got to see a lot of friends from college and Luke had fun with all of the groomsmen. Eden made friends with Aidan during the reception...he is the son of friends from college. Its weird to see our kids playing together! We also got to visit a park that was just Eden's size. She could get to the slides without our help and she loved being so independent.

We took a trip to York 4 weeks before Eden was due, so this our last road trip as a family of 3. Baby boy seems to be doing just fine...he is measuring right where he should be and the doctor thinks he may come a few days early. He is still really active and my rib cage is starting to hurt, so I'm fine with him coming whenever he is ready!

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