Monday, October 11

Judah Rune is Here!

A month before Judah's due date, the doctor told us that he would most likely come early. Because I was induced with Eden, I had no idea what real contractions felt like (I didn't even have braxton hicks contractions with her) so we spent a month waiting and wondering. Earlier this summer we had talked about wanting him to come on the 25th or the 1st so that it would be easier to remember his birthday (I am horrible with numbers). I guess he was listening, and so October 1st he finally came! I started having contractions the night before (during the office). They started to get pretty intense around 1:30 am and by the time we got the the hospital around 2:30 they were minutes apart and painful. We had an amazing nurse who rushed to get me the epidural, which I got just in time. We then waited around and Judah decided he was ready to come around 6:45. It took a little longer than Eden because he was facing the wrong direction, which meant no cone head baby for us! He was born around 7:15 and was 8 pounds 4 ounces and 21 inches.
Eden came to meet him later that morning and she has been the sweetest big sister since the minute she saw him! She tries to share everything with him (food, toys, her milk) and even hands us wipes when we change his diaper. When we brought him home she showed him all of her favorite toys! So sweet...
I think us being gone for 2 days was harder for her than us bringing home a new baby. We are loving watching her interact with him and we can't wait for him to get older!
I just know that the minute I post this, my luck will change, but so far Judah has been the best baby! He sleeps 3 1/2 hours at night and falls right back to sleep. During the day he hangs out from around 8-10 and again in the evening from 7-9, and he naps during Eden's nap. He mostly grunts unless he is really upset, which isn't often. He is so sweet and it feels like he has been around forever. I, of course, am excited for him to start to sleep even longer at night, but since Eden got up every 2 hours for her first few weeks, I can't complain!


  1. He is so sweet!! It sounds like being a family of four is coming naturally to you!! What a blessing to have two such beautiful children. Sorry Luke you little boy is handsome, not beautiful!! :)

  2. Congrats you two!!! He is so precious and it looks like Eden is going to be a great big sister!

  3. I am so glad things are going so well! I want to drop a gift off at your place... you'll have to let me know when a good time is!

  4. What a precious family Sarah and Luke!!! I love reading up on you guys when you get the chance to blog!!! Can't wait to see more pics!

  5. so glad we got to 'meet' him on skype the other day...looking forward to holding him someday:)
