Friday, October 22

Our Big Helper

Eden is taking her new role as big sister very seriously and has been such a help with Judah. She brings him diapers and wipes when its time for a diaper change, she brings him his pacifier, she sometimes throws away diapers and she even got his hat off of the back porch the other day. She also gets her own diapers for diaper changes, brings her cup to the fridge when she wants more milk, and helps feed sprocket in the mornings. She loves to clean things with wipes including her mouth!

Sometimes, though, she gets a little confused. She might steal Judah's pacifier after giving it to him so that she can have a turn. She tries to help me load the dishwasher but so far has only loaded it with clean dishes from the utensil drawer or clothes.

She also tried to feed sprocket but I guess she forgot where his food was, so her animal crackers were the next best choice. I think sprocket was fine with changing things up...he got the whole bag!

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