Sunday, September 18


We were told by people who had done it before us, that having kids 1.5 years apart was great...after the first 6 months. I'm just starting to believe them.
I know people have been having babies close (and even closer) together for thousands of years, but it just caught me off guard and I wasn't sure that we would be able to make it and keep our sanity! We are just starting to catch these glimpses of the greatness that other parents told us about. I've been reading books....more than 1 page at a time! Sometimes, I realize 15 minutes have gone by without seeing either kid and when I look for them, they are both sitting quietly playing together. We went to Smashburger last week and sat at our table for 45 minutes! Without any melt-downs! This is amazing.
The best part about it is how sweet they are with each other. Eden started crying the other day when Judah rode in a different car, because she wanted him in the back seat with her. Judah laughs harder at Eden than anyone else. They are so sweet together-they are starting to share, Eden is enjoying it when Judah follows her around and watches her. It makes me so happy about the next few years and what good friends these two will be.
Life is good, and getting settled. So settled, that I just wrote this whole blog without any interruptions!


  1. Amen! We're right there with you! I came home from a trip tonight and was able to unpack the car while they played!It's such a different world that it was a year, or even 6 months ago! Congrats on surviving! Enjoy the new freedoms {I know I am}!

  2. That is awesome! I am so glad you are back on here!!!
