Saturday, September 3

We're back....maybe

So, it's been a while! Ok, it's been since I went back to work...
Life got crazy for a few months there and we are just starting to feel like we have room to breathe. To catch you up:
-I went back to work full time (I haven't done that since Eden was born-yikes!)
-Luke worked a full time job, taught his first college level english class, did some tutoring, worked every weekend, and finished up his masters degree
-Eden turned 2-she is sweet, chatty, determined, and loves her baby brother
-Judah is almost sweet little baby just started to walk and he's turning into the coolest baby ever (well, at least to us)!
-We took a trip with 2 kids under 2 to Europe...more on that later...

Last week brought Luke starting his new job...he is a teacher! 4 english classes at a local University-he is completely in love with teaching. This also means he doesn't work on the weekend anymore! We will have TWO WHOLE DAYS off together...what will we do? I start my new work schedule next week. I will work until 5:30 every Friday. I know, I know, most people work till 5:30 on Fridays but I haven't since...well, maybe never. Good thing it will be cold out! The kids are just getting to that sweet age where they run off and play together and its just so very, very precious. We are feeling super blessed, and feeling like we can finally take some time to relax. Oh, and it's starting to feel like fall and if you know me, you know that fall's my favorite season...

Hopefully we will be back soon!

1 comment:

  1. Wow you guys have been so busy!! Hope things have been well though! Excited for the new adventures for you all!
