Thursday, May 20

Baby #2

We get to find out next Tuesday at 5 how baby 2 is doing and hopefully if baby 2 is a boy or girl! We can't wait to find out. So far, this baby is VERY active. Luke could feel it moving at 17 or 18 weeks, and it already kicks like a black belt in karate. When I was pregnant with Eden, it felt more like she was dancing or spinning-it never hurt when she kicked. This baby is also growing really fast, but I think that has more to do with it being my second pregnancy in a few years.

We are getting more excited about this baby as Eden gets older and feels less like a baby and more like a little girl! I was nervous that she would have to grow up so fast, but now that she is walking all over, I miss her being a tiny baby. Eden also LOVES to watch and play with other kids, so I think she will have fun with another baby in the house. At least I hope...

We are down to 2 girl names, but still have about 10 boy names that we like, and none of them are really standing out...any ideas?


  1. So excited for you guys!! I an sure you will be busy with two kids, what how much fun it will be!! I am sure that Eden will do great with the baby! Names are such tricky things. It took us forever to come up with Judson's name, so good luck. You will find the perfect one!!

  2. Congrats Sara!!!!!!!!!!! That is so exciting. Eden will be a great big sis!!! We will be thinking of you guys throughout the rest of your pregnancy!!!
