Monday, May 17

She's Walking!

Our little baby is turning into such a big girl! Eden is taking multiple steps to walk from one thing to another. It seems like she takes more and more steps every day!
Its amazing to me that a year ago she was a tiny 7 pound thing that couldn't hold her head up and now she is walking and talking and communicating. She seems to be growing up every day, with new faces and words. I totally get now why parents say every age is their favorite age...she just keeps getting to be more fun!

(Eden enjoying a lemon!)

This weekend my dad and Gayleen came for a visit. The last time they saw Eden was at Thanksgiving, so she had a lot of showing off to do! We stayed busy by going to the zoo on Friday, the farmers market and Stillwater on Saturday, and church on Sunday. Eden had a lot of fun showing them all around her city and taking them to her favorite places, but I think they wore her out! She has been super sleepy all day today.

This week it is supposed to get up to 80 and be sunny, so we plan on spending lots of time in the backyard and outside.

(This is a short video of Eden walking...I'm not sure if it will work.)


  1. I love it!! She is so big!! She and Judson would have so much fun together!

  2. That's a stinkin' cute kid you got there!

  3. SO grown up! And it looks like a blast. Glad to know you're doing this so I can at least THINK we're keeping in touch with you guys. :)

  4. Ryla-want to meet half way for a play date?
    Yeah Megan! I heard you guys bought a house...lets keep in touch.
    And Luke, she's your kid too!
